This guide provides precise instructions for integrating GoHighLevel with Net Engine. Follow the steps below to seamlessly connect the two applications and enhance your workflow.

Go to

1. Click on Edit for the website you want to add the integration

Click on Edit for the website you want to add the integration

Click on Edit for the website you want to add the integration

2. Click "Integrations"

Navigate to the "Integrations" tab.

Click 'Integrations'

3. Click "New Integration"

Select the option to create a new integration.

Click 'New Integration'

4. Click GoHighLevel

Click on GoHighLevel

Click GoHighLevel

5. Name Integration

Name the Integration

Name Integration

6. Switch to ""

Switch to ""

Switch to ''

7. Click Settings

Click on Settings

Click Settings

8. Click "API Keys"

Select the "API Keys" option.

Click 'API Keys'

9. Copy API Key

Copy API Key

Copy API Key

10. Switch to ""

Navigate to ""

Switch to ''

11. Paste API Key

Paste your API key here

Paste API Key

12. Click "on"

Turn on DBC mode

Click 'on'

13. Click "Save"

Save the changes by clicking on the "Save" button.

Click 'Save'

14. Click "Digital Business Card"

Select the "Digital Business Card" option.

Click 'Digital Business Card'

15. Click the digital business card you want to use.

Choose the specific business card entry.

Click the digital business card you want to use.

16. Click "Integrations"

Navigate to the "Integrations" section.

Click 'Integrations'

17. Turn the integration on

Select the "on" option.

Turn the integration on

18. Choose the tag to use

Select the tag you want for the automation

Choose the tag to use

19. Choose the automation you want from the list.

Choose the automation you want from the list.

Choose the automation you want from the list.

20. Click "Save & Exit"

Save the changes and exit by clicking on the "Save & Exit" button.

Click 'Save & Exit'