It is frustrating when we need help but can't get it as fast as we'd like it. That's why we've provided these hacks and tips below to help you get the fastest resolution time possible for your HighLevel Support Related Requests!

By providing a clear description of the issue (following the Pro Tips below) your request will be quickly understood. Resulting in a better experience and faster resolution time from our agents.

The factor we care about is your time and business. So save yourself valuable time by providing the right details upfront!

Pro Tips 

What Information Should I Provide To Get The Fastest Resolution Time? 

  • Replicate the Issue

Once you see an issue, start from the beginning and run another test. Slowly checking the steps, setup, and process. It is best to record this to provide support as this will be the first thing we will do ourselves.

  • Record a LOOM (free) or any screen recording software (with audio preferred)

LOOM is a free screen recording software. We use it A LOT internally and externally here at Customer Engine and for good reason. For example, have an issue that is bringing you into Customer Engine Support. Instead of writing it all out, you can record your screen and replicate the issue and talk through the setup on Loom. Then send the link with your request. This is a HUGE time saver for both you and Customer Engine Support. Trust us! Just download it and give it a try today! Soon you'll be using it for everything :)

  • Explain the Full Situation

As with replicating the issue, we need to see what happens before and after the issue occurs. As well as the setup and logic. For example, a workflow that triggers before the issue takes place.

  • Include specifics, like Business Name, Email address for account, automation name, campaign name, broadcast name, etc.

At any time you can please provide the email address that you signed up with Customer Engine. Provide the campaign name and the automation name you're having issues with. Provide the name of the broadcast you're having trouble with. 

Things that will slow your resolution time down:

- Creating multiple tickets for the same issue
- Having other agents or users submit the same ticket using different emails

- Posting in multiple places

Looking for Instant Help? Check Out These Self-Service Resources!

It is frustrating when we need help but can't get it as fast as we'd like it. That's why we've provided these hacks and tips below to help you get the fastest resolution time possible.

1. Search our community Facebook group for questions?

Chances are someone has asked this question.

2. Check out our knowledge base and or our training area?

Chances are there is an article, please try searching different keywords or phrases. 


3. Hop into one of our weekly Q&A calls.

Weekly Q&A sessions start at 12 PM EDT Register Here